Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

My Habits

Andriani winda introduce my name, I was in high school 5, now my eleventh grade science 2,

I want to tell a little about my activities from waking to sleep again.
I used to wake up at 5 in the morning, because my first dawn prayer, after my prayer I take the time to open the book and compile textbooks that will be studied in school that day, then at 6 o'clock I'm showered and ready to go to school, and as usual I arrived at school before the bell rang.

from 07:15 hours until 13:45 hours I learned in school, after school I did not go home because I used to gather with friends before returning home.
and my arrival home I immediately clean up the house, then I would rest until 4:00 pm then my Asr prayer, after prayer I hurried to sweep home.

I rushed home after a sweep for the evening bath, I usually after a shower I relax while waiting for the sunset call to prayer, when dusk has arrived I immediately ablutions and prayer.

after my prayer I usually re-open the book, until 20:30 hours, after which I memebereskan bed and getting ready for bed.

I think it's enough to explain my activities from waking to sleep again.

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